[Maintain] (no subject)
Peter.Stange.clean at online.de ()
2008-05-12 18:50:34 UTC
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Michael Clay
2008-05-13 07:23:28 UTC
The debugging that message is referring to is not Maintain debugging,
it's DB_DataObject debugging (The setting in maintain.conf just makes it
so you don't have to actually log in). This error is caused when the DB
settings in the maintain.conf file are incorrect, or something else is
preventing connection to the DB server. If you have double and triple
checked these settings and know them to be correct you can turn DB
DataObject debugging to level 5 to see why. To do so, you'd follow
these instructions:

1) Go to the root of your Maintain install and open includes.php in
your favorite text editor
2) Before the end php tag (?>) add the line: DB_DataObject::debugLevel(5);
3) Refresh the page, DB_DataObject should dump all the information to
the your web browser.
I'am installing Maintain 3.11 on Debian GNU/Linux 4.0. After doing
all the steps mentioned in INSTALL and from the Starter Guide. I got
the following message in my webbrowser when calling the webinterface.
DB_DataObject Error: Connect failed, turn on debugging to 5 see why
apache-2, mysql-5.0, dhcp-3, dns, php-5, PEAR-Auth, PEAR-DB,
PEAR-*DB_DataObject, *PEAR-Mail, perl-5.8
The debug flag is true (maintain.conf) but where is the log file?
maintain mailing list
maintain at osuosl.org
Michael Clay
Open Source Lab - http://osuosl.org
claym at osuosl.org

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