[Maintain] Maintain release?
Nielson, Adam (Adecco Engineering & Technical)
2011-07-19 21:00:24 UTC
Sorry to bug again, but I was just curious if the release is ready...
Petersen, Kirsten J - NET
2011-07-19 21:12:48 UTC
Ah yes, here it is (attached). This is not on the project page yet, but will be shortly.

Please be advised that this is not a nicely packaged release. We have been running and modifying Maintain for some time now without tracking changes, and there is also a lot of custom-to-OSU stuff in here. I did my best to document the pertinent changes in the release notes.

If anyone would just like a list of the changes needed for PHP5 support, I think we can put that together.

Kirsten Petersen
Network Services * Oregon State University
http://oregonstate.edu/net * irc.oregonstate.edu #osu-is
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-----Original Message-----
From: maintain-bounces at osuosl.org [mailto:maintain-bounces at osuosl.org] On Behalf Of Nielson, Adam (Adecco Engineering & Technical)
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 2:00 PM
To: 'maintain at osuosl.org'
Subject: [Maintain] Maintain release?

Sorry to bug again, but I was just curious if the release is ready...
maintain mailing list
maintain at osuosl.org
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